2022-2026 State Health Improvement Plan Priority Area Workgroup Charter – Mental Well-being and Substance Abuse Prevention
Mental and emotional well-being enables individuals to realize their own abilities, cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively and contribute to his or her community.
- Reduce the impact of adult mental, emotional and behavioral health disorders.
- Reduce the impact of pediatric mental, emotional and behavioral health disorders.
- Reduce substance use disorders and drug overdose deaths.
- Reduce suicide behaviors and death.

The purpose of Priority Area Workgroups (PAWs) is to contribute to, monitor and report on the goals and objectives for the priority areas selected by the State Health Improvement Plan Steering Committee. The PAWs serve as the operational component for engaging cross-sector collaborators in efforts to address the priorities, goals and objectives. This charter outlines the primary roles and responsibilities of the PAWs in their effort to improve the health of all Floridians.
Primary Functions
- Develop goals and measurable objectives for each priority area
- Create implementation plans to drive action
- Monitor and provide quarterly progress updates on State Health Improvement Plan objectives and activities
- Compile recommended revisions to State Health Improvement Plan goals and objectives for approval by the State Health Improvement Plan Steering Committee
- Serve as champions for the State Health Improvement Plan by increasing awareness and engagement throughout networks
Roles and Responsibilities
Each PAW will consist of a chair and general PAW members. Additional chairs may be selected at the discretion of each PAW and general PAW members may be selected by the State Health Improvement Plan Steering Committee. Chairs and general PAW members will be responsible for maintaining their respective duties throughout the five-year duration of the State Health Improvement Plan.
Initial PAW Roles:
- Develop no more than four (4) goals under each priority area
- Develop no more than three (3) objectives for each goal; objectives shall be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound)
- Develop an implementation plan to outline activities and how objectives will be measured
PAW Chairs:
- Use subject matter expertise to provide leadership and direction to the PAW
- Actively monitor PAW membership and invite partner organizations that will contribute to PAW-specific goals and objectives
- Convene PAW at least once per quarter to review progress and prepare for quarterly reporting deadlines
- Submit quarterly updates on objective status, activity progress and key accomplishments
- Obtain PAW member feedback when compiling recommended revisions to State Health Improvement Plan goals and objectives for approval by the State Health Improvement Plan Steering Committee
- Participate in PAW activities (e.g., providing feedback, answering surveys, collecting and analyzing data)
- Request assistance and input on State Health Improvement Plan activities from stakeholders and partners
PAW Members:
- Provide quarterly updates on objective status, activity progress and key accomplishments to PAW chairs and members
- Participate in PAW activities (e.g., providing feedback, answering surveys, collecting and analyzing data)
- Identify and recommend partner organizations to engage in ways that support PAW-specific goals and objectives
- Consider new objectives or activities that will better accomplish State Health Improvement Plan goals or address identified gaps in the State Health Improvement Plan
Meeting Frequency and Process:
- Each PAW will meet (via conference call, virtual format, in-person, etc.) at least once per quarter or on an as needed basis (whichever is needed to best fulfill the primary functions of the group) to discuss progress on priority objectives
- Each PAW should meet at least annually to compile recommended revisions to State Health Improvement Plan goals and objectives for approval by the State Health Improvement Plan Steering Committee
Member Time Commitment
The duration of the 2022-2026 State Health Improvement Plan, which is a five-year plan.
Florida SHIP Priority Area Members
Mental Well-being and Substance Abuse Prevention
Mental Well-being and Substance Abuse Prevention
Chair Organizations:
Member Organizations:
- Aetna Better Health of Florida
- Agency for Health Care Administration
- AmeriHealth Caritas Florida
- Feeding Florida
- Florida Department of Elder Affairs
- Florida Department of Health
- Simply Healthcare
- UnitedHealthcare Community and State
- University of Florida
- Florida Department of Health in Charlotte County
- Agency for Persons with Disabilities
- Building Healthy Military Communities
- Florida Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs
- Florida Department of Children and Families
- Florida Department of Juvenile Justice
- Florida Department of Law Enforcement
- Florida State Alliance of YMCAs
- Community Care Plan
- Florida Alliance for Healthcare Value
- Florida Department of Health in Pinellas County
- Health Management Association
- Humana
- Florida Association of Health Plans
- Florida Developmental Disabilities Council
- Florida Poison Control Information Center – Tampa
- Broward Behavioral Health Coalition
- Camelot Community Care
- Florida Behavioral Health Association
- Prime Asset Fund
- Southeast Florida Behavioral Health Network
- Sunshine Health
- Thriving Mind South Florida
- Trinity Medical Center
- Wellcare
- YMCA of the Suncoast
- Youth Opportunity Investments
- Nemours Children's Health