The SHIP Steering Committee directed a comprehensive State Health Assessment (SHA) to identify the most important health issues affecting Floridians.

The Steering Committee recognizes how the many contexts in which people live, work and play over the course of their lives fosters or impedes their capacity to reach their full potential for health and well- being. While the SHA contains strategies that focus on populations disproportionately impacted by poor health, Steering Committee members dedicated a priority area specifically to health equity. With health equity as an individual focus, statewide partners can collectively address the social, economic and environmental factors that influence health throughout life, strengthening resiliency among individuals and populations. Health equity is the attainment of the highest level of health for all people, and requires focusing on avoidable inequalities, historical and contemporary injustices, and the elimination of health and health care disparities. It provides the foundation for success in all the other health- issue priorities.

Smiling women outside

State Health Improvement Plan Steering Committee

The SHIP Steering Committee, comprising influential figures in Florida’s public health system, was
established to provide leadership and oversight of the State Health Improvement Planning process.
During the SHIP development phase, the Steering Committee ensured that the most important
health issues affecting Floridians were captured and oversaw the development of comprehensive
and measurable objectives that outline the path forward for enhancing the health of all Floridians.
During the implementation phase of the SHIP, the Steering Committee meets to review and revise
the SHIP and advocate for SHIP activities both in their respective organizations and across the state
of Florida.

Photo coming soon

Florida American Indian Health Advisory Council

Paul Rowley
President and CEO

Florida Blue

Kelli Tice, MD
Senior Medical Director, Medical Affairs

Florida Institute for Health Innovation

Joseph West, ScD, ScM

2022-2026 State Health Improvement Plan Steering Committee Charter


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